US Brig Niagara, Summer 2005

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

*** Attention *** (Disclosure)

This is a personal Blogsite! The text and images contained within are the oppinion of T.C. "Bhodi" Sheridan and Erin Doak and are in no way representative of any commercial intity.
The text and images within this site, and those associated with it are free for PERSONAL viewing and use & free to be copied for that use, but are, (unless otherwise noted), the intellectal property of T.C. "Bhodi" Sheridan and copyrighted "(c) Bhodi 1998 - 2005". Any commercial use is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the owner.
Thank you & Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bhodi's time on the US Brig Niagara, Summer 2005

Hello all.

This Blog, as an extention of Erin & My Blog(, is a photo show & brief journal of my summer spent on the US Brig Niagara.

Although many of these photos were taken by me, some were taken by others and credit will be given.


-- Bhodi

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Friday, August 19, 2005

Bhodi on the Brig

With so a new 6.3mp digital camera to break in and lots of inspiration around me, you can probably imagine that I got ALOT of great shots.

The question is... Where to begin?

Well... How about beginning with this summer's AB of 2d / Boatswain's Mate: Your's Truly.

Vanity? Maybe, but it is fun!

I think that they let me be Boatswain's mate, because I was always up on the bow volunteering to go over the side to mess with the Anchor. Boy that's fun.

Another one of the cool things I got to do was go upto the Main Truck (118' up) to mess with the Animometer.

The job is never done for a "Topman" Whether it's scrambling up the Fore-Stay to overhaul the Stays'l Sheet or just heading aloft for a Sea-Stow.

Of course I do love that Head-Rig.. Being out on the Flying Jib-Boom is like nothing else.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Shipmates on the Brig

Well... Now that I have satisfied my own vanity, here's my chance to highlight some of my fine shipmates.


Starting with our Captain Wes Heerssen.

I shouldn't forget our "Senior Captain" Capt. Rybka & our Chief Mate Jason Quilter.

Here's my Bosses: Jason (my watch officer) & Dashter Bien (my Boatswain)

Here's another one of Jason, on his usual perch for docking.

This is Christine our current Cook & Jason's Fiance'

The guy in the hat is "Red" He's our 3rd Mate & the other mate in Port Watch.

That's Billy our 2nd Mate. He's over on Starboard.

and That adorable young woman is Heather. She was our cook, and now she's my OS. She's also Billy's Sweetie.

That's Jay... He was an AB on my watch. Now he's the 4th Mate. I like him better now that he's not just acting like a mate & actually has to live upto his own ambition.

That's Kim on the left. She was my OS (my Right & Left Hand) most of the Summer.

Next to her is Jill.. A volunteer turned OS from Buffalo.

There's Kim & Alexis.

Alexis came to volunteer for a month early in the Summer. Her first TallShip.. She has been here ever since, and is now an OS.

Here's Alexis "Line-Handling" with Capt. Heerssen

Here's Jill..

I think she's available, guys.. That is if you can fight Jay off of her.

You also have to get past her father. He's a sailor too.

Here's another shot of Dashter.

He's my favorite Sailor in the world.

Robert Blood, AB

He's a cool guy.. I look forward to working with him again.

3 Monkeys.

(left to right)

Ryno - one of the funniest & nicest guys I have sailed with.

Kim - One cool chick. Made my job soo much easier than it could have been this Summer.

Luke - A lazy spoiled rich kid who didn't earn the OS pay he was getting this Summer.

Eric & Josh Walsh

Eric's an allright guy.. Just needs to get over himself, and realize that there's alot of people out there that know more than him.

I don't know Josh all that well, but he's pretty cool.

Leanne is a long time part of the Niagara Family.. I met her this Spring when she was on the Lynx, and I'm glad I got to hang with her som this Summer.

She's a really sweet girl.

Speaking of sweet girls. This is Julia from Italy.

Very Sweet & Very Crazy.

Here's Ray.

A long time Erie Volunteer & One hell of a Harmonica Player.

And then there's Jake.

He just seems to pop up whenever he feels like.

He's a really cool guy & always welcome.

This is Joshua.. A very able "Short Term" Volunteer.

And this is Ronnie.

We see alot more of him since he has fallen smiten for another volunteer.

Finally....Here's a couple action shots, envolving some familiar members of the crew.

Yes... There were more people than this on the Niagara this Summer.

These are just the ones I have managed to capture since I got my new Camera.

I will upload some shots of others taken on other people's cameras just as soon as I can round them up.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Views on the Brig

Finally... Here are some cool shots taken OF & ON the US Brig Niagara.

I may add some captions later, but for now... Just enjoy the scenery.

Check back soon, I will be uploading more.